Sunday, March 14, 2021


I was going to celebrate Mother's Day, and my father's birthday (which is also Mario day, so that's fun!) by sharing my history of mental illness and the worst thing I ever did to my parents, which is also the worst thing I did to anyone. But I'm still not feeling 100%, and when I do it's going to take a lot of emotional bandwith. On top of that, my Wi-Fi connection still sucks shit, so I want to keep this relatively brief. I'm just about ready to snap my tablet in half as it is!

Well, it turns out today is also White Day, or Steak & A Blowjob Day, a chance for those of us lucky enough to have received Valentine's gifts (or dirty stories) to return the favour and show how much we care about the ones we love (or occasionally e-mail)! If you're unfamiliar with this tradition then you'd better hope your admirer is too or you may find yourself in hot water!

With the focus of the day being reciprocity and satisfying needs, I may as well share th is kinklist I made after reading a post on Reddit (more on that in another post!). Today's also Pi Day, but I don't have anything for that, other than that this is a chart, but not a pie chart. Like I said, I'm feeling kinda spacy.

The list was designed for online role-players, and there is a more detailed list with a couple more fetishes and specifics for online correspondence if that's important to you. There's also a "Please Don't" option that is included as a joke, with over 380 choices, which is impractical but also informative; today was the day I first heard of hot-dogging and cum inflation! You can make your own list here. 

SUPER IMPORTANT EDIT: The kinklist widget can be a little glitchy, and I had to redo the list after realising it screwed up my Pain section. It glitches that section again the second time around and now it looks okay. Give the list a double check to make sure your partner doesn't treat you to a thump to the noggin. Or doesn't neglect to thump your noggin. Whatever gets you through the say!

My list is pretty different to what it would have been even six months ago. Although designed as an aid for role-players my list reflects my real limits, with activities that don't hold any real appeal but which I would engage in without hesitation marked yellow, activities I'd do for a partner I cared about or for some quid pro quo in orange, and turn-offs in red.

The list is by no means complete and maybe doesn't give a full picture; I have no desire to be pegged, for example, but find a lady with a strap-on to be pretty sexy, and a lady who fucks ass is presumably open and confident and kinky, and those are all attractive qualities.

Strict Julie mentioned in a comment after one of her recent posts that I should talk a little about my bizarre history with porn. I covered it a little on my post covering Nate and consent, but this seems like a good place to clarify:

I basically consumed embarrassing stories as porn until I was 18. When I started looking at videos I was pretty squeamish about looking too closely at the female anatomy, and not really interested in seeing men at all. Part of this was aesthetics, part of it was fear of women being exploited. I basically watched JOI clips that didn't show close up vagina and videos that were an extension of the sort of stories I'd been reading: spanking, diapers, sploshing, pants-wetting - anything where a girl was being humiliated, by herself or another girl. If there was a man or inter-racial stuff then I wasn't interested because of the implications of the power dynamic. I never watched any vaginal penetration or any orgasms either, for no real reason other than it just seemed way too intimate.

There are two exceptions I remember making. The first is the dude from DiaperedOnline who would often set a girl up in a pillory or a cage, usually with some kind of enema or suppository, and then disappear behind the camera. If he was talking or spanking a girl or whatever then I wouldn't bother. The other exception was Miss T, a black lady who would gunge lots of pretty white girls on various WAM sites run by the Kowalski brothers, and who was always very much in control and having a good time. Did it bother me that these various sites were run by two men? Yes, but not enough to stop me watching, because I'm a massive hypocrite.

I'm aware that none of this really comes from a place of logic, and over the last six weeks or so I have watched videos where there are dicks on camera (but not male faces, and being played with by women, but still!) and others where ladies have brought themselves to climax. I've even written stories in the last month wherein a lady not only takes a dick in the mouth or the pussy, but even enjoys it! Definitely turning from a flower to a tree.

I couldn't end this without making it absolutely clear that I am the broken one, and as long as it's safe and pretty much same I don't really care what porn you look at, what kinks you have or what makes you horny. If no-one is getting hurt or exploited them I don't really care. Fill your boots and let your freak flag fly!



  1. So, Pi day intrigued me (« a chart, but not a pie chart » ? I don't get it)
    Currently, the record for reciting Pi decimals is held by an Indian: Suresh Kumar Sharma. In 2015, for 17 hours and 14 minutes, he recited 70,030 decimal places of the special number, without making a mistake.
    Isn't it an onanistic oral pleasure.

    1. Pi day - if you write the date with the month first, American style, March 14th is 3-14, the first three digits of pi. 22nd of July is Pi Approximation Day, because 22/7 is pretty close to pi. I used to have a book about pi that included the first million digits; I used to know the first fifty.

      The kinklist is a chart of sorts, but not a pie chart, which would have been good for Pi Day. I was feeling pretty trippy yesterday!

      It occurs to me that memorizing digits would be more mentally demanding than writing lines, and would free a sub's hands up for doing chores or something productive. If they were unable to recite a given number of digits correctly at a given deadline further punishment could be deployed!

    2. at the same time, the pain in the hand is part of the punishment ...


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