Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Hi Malpals,

So I know the last post was me complaining about the lady from safeguarding who came to visit me. Today I received a copy of a report summarising the level of care the home provides for me. I was not consulted about the report, or even aware of it. Some of it I feel painted me in a poor light: you get the impression reading it that I am a glutton, and that I would be living a full, active life if only I could stop constantly stuffing my face with fatty foods! Weirdly, though, the report also contains a bunch of outright lies about the help I'm receiving and my ability to express myself and make decisions for my future.

I'm going to let you read the e-mail I sent to adult social care, because it reflects what a terrible job the home have done representing me. I sent a blind copy to my parents, and I think that this report, combined with the fact that three members of staff have caught COVID this week, have finally convinced them that anywhere would be better than here.

Dear ****

Today I received a copy of my review, ref ****. I was not informed this review would be carried out and was not given a chance to object to any of it. A lot of the information held within is not true, so I thought it best to clear up a few things:
  • The care home do not provide 3 or 4 staff to help with a body wash.
  • They do not provide 2 staff members to help with toileting needs.
  • I do not need help maintaining family and other relationships.
  • I do not need help with memory, awareness, planning and decision making.
  • The home does not offer help with behaviour or mood affecting myself or others.
  • I do not receive visits from the Community Nursing Team to monitor my skin.
  • The home cannot claim I am continuing to put on weight as they have never weighed me or taken physical measurements of waistline, circumference of upper arms, etc.
  • I was not able to contribute towards the review via phone, or any other method, as I was completely unaware of it.
  • I do not feel upset discussing my care and support needs.
  • I did not consent for the nurse to discuss these matters away from me.
  • My family do not visit me daily, mainly due to them living two hours away, but also in part because the home allows a maximum of two guests to visit during a week, booking in advance and visiting once, simultaneously.
  • The physiotherapy team did not require me to drop down in weight to 180kg before helping me. There is no maximum weight at which they will stop helping those who need it.
  • I have not been discharged from working with a psychologist and a psychiatrist because I refused to accept help.
  • I have not been in my current placement since 2016, and was in fact relatively healthy, living independently and holding down a full time job as a dry cleaner at this time.
There are other aspects of this report I disagree with - for example, I feel I would benefit greatly from assistance from the mental health team, and that my financial situation needs addressing as a priority due to **** Care Home's inability to fill out and return some standard paperwork in a reasonably timely manner - but the information that I have laid out above is fact.

It is probably worth mentioning I find the nurse who provided information for the report, Sue ****, to be borderline negligent. I went into hospital last December and the paramedics that dealt with her during handover described her as 'obstructive.' I went into hospital again this year because she told me an ear infection I had was getting better when in fact it had been getting worse. She has been lackadaisical treating episodes of supraventricular tachycardia I have suffered in the home, which is one reason safeguarding concerns have been raised on my behalf.

Thanks for your time,

Tankerton Latch

So that's me embracing my inner Karen! Tomorrow I have an unrelated group chat with the care home manager, my housing officer, my occupational therapist and someone from Adult Social Care. This report has only served to get me extra riled up!

What a useless bunch of tossers! Peace,


  1. Well written. These tossers (did I say that right?) have no idea with whom they are dealing. If you require any testimonials that even in your bedridden state you are more than capable of giving remote women orgasms, I am happy to lean in!

    1. That and a quid will get me a can of coke, but thanks very much! I got my copy of this "report" completely out of the blue, most of it's tick box stuff with room to write in comments. I'm not even including the stuff that I think is an over exaggeration, or paints me in a poor light, I'm just picking them up on things that are demonstrably false (for now!). As readers of the blog know, I've got no worries discussing my needs! How can they get it so wrong? Unless my memory is as bad as the report says! Makes me wish I hadn't refused help from that psychiatrist now!

      Good job using "tossers" correctly! Funny which words made it across the pond and which didn't!

  2. Sorry to see you're having issues with medical staff notes and accuracy. They seem to pretty much *never* get details correct. I read my husbands medical records through his patient portal about half a year ago. We both have a couple glasses of wine at night, and somehow, someone got confused and that got changed from his drinking a couple bottles a week, to a couple bottles a night, to 2 *boxes* of wine a night. A box of wine has 72 glasses of wine in it, so 2 boxes a night would be...144 glasses of wine a night. Plus, he had what is called a Zio Patch test about a year ago. Its a sort of heart monitor one wears for 14 days to check everything out. The cardiologist that evaluated the test, wrote him down as "female" in the report. So, if you combine the two, I guess my husbands "professional" diagnosis is...he's a "drunk slut". :)

    1. That's terrible! When I first came to this place they told me I was marked down as "Do Not Resuscitate." I'm 33, no life threatening illness. I remember telling them "Please do whatever you can to keep me alive." Never been mis-gendred, tnough. A doctor did ask me if I was circumcised, whilst holding my penis, struggling to put a catheter in. That was a memorable Christmas!

    2. Thank you! It was a couple of months before I mastered my domain!


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